The Clinique Médico-Dentaire de la Gatineau offers complete high-quality dental services in a family practice environment.
Founded by Robert F. Kinahan, Tony Sarrapuchiello and Charles A. Eckenfelder, the Clinique Médico-Dentaire de la Gatineau opened at the corner of Montée Paiement and Saint-René Boulevard in 1982.
What an honour to receive this award on the 40th anniversary of the Clinique Médico-Dentaire de la Gatineau! Our love affair with denturology began with the clinic’s co-founder Tony Sarrapuchiello. He was a real worker! In 2011, his son Éric joined the team, and with 10 years of experience under his belt is also very honoured to receive this recognition of excellence.
We also recently welcomed Roxanne, who had huge shoes to fill as Tony retired this year. His legacy is directly reflected in this plaque.
Of course, we would like to congratulate the entire team. Nothing would be possible without you; with a special mention to Cindy and Marie-Soleil, our denturist assistants.
Finally, it is impossible not to mention the impeccable work of our technician-artist Gabriel, who has been sculpting our prostheses every day for nearly 15 years!
Sincere thanks to all of you.
Our dental clinic offers everything you need to make each of your visits enjoyable and convenient.
Entrust your oral health to a team that has been devoted and dedicated to the well-being of patients for nearly 40 years!
Partagez cette vidéo et « aimez » notre page facebook pour courir la chance de GAGNER une de nos 3 brosses à dent électriques sonicare! Grâce à notre équipe complète de dentistes, denturologistes et chirurgiens en implants dentaires, la Clinique vous offre un service multidisciplinaire de haute qualité depuis 1982. Merci à nos fidèles patients, sinon au plaisir de vous rencontrer.N’hésitez pas à nous écrire ou bien laissez nous un commentaire! ???? Tirage le 1er juin 2019.
Posted by Clinique Médico-Dentaire on Thursday, April 11, 2019